September 2024 Musings Time To Write! Happy September, friends! And Happy Fall! I hope you have all had a lovely Autumn season so far with cooler temperatures and the excitement that comes from looking forward to the holidays. The scenery is already gorgeous here in North Carolina, with golden tipped leaves that seem to turn every forest with sunlight filtering through it into a fairy glen. Homeschooling is in full swing once again at my house, and there is much excitement over the release of FREE SINGS THE SEA into the world on September 3rd! I have been thrilled and thankful that FSTS received a 5 star review from Readers’ Favorite! It was also this month’s book spotlight on Cozy Clean Romance Books! I was honored to be interviewed by Mariana Rios and Russell J. Fellows on their blogs, and featured in issue #36 of ‘Why I Wrote This Book’ on The Miramichi Reader. Finally, I was blessed to receive this lovely review on Carol Baldwin's wonderful blog. Launching a new book into the world is an incredibly exciting time, but not without its challenges. With all of the hype, marketing, promo, interviews, and hard work, it is very difficult to find the time to simply sit down and write. For the busy mom, the difficulty can seem impossible to overcome. This month, I would like to continue my series by suggesting three helpful tips for finding the time to lock in and write!
1- A little goes a long way! Some mornings I only have time to write a couple of sentences in my current work in progress, but I will soon have two manuscripts in my Women's Fiction series, SEASIDE ready for professional edits and publication. Those marathon days of writing are few and far between when you’re a mom, and very short sprints often have to be our goal. But one word, one sentence, one chapter at a time, you will be meeting the goal of completing your next project! 2- Create a writing nook. A writer should have a special, cozy spot to create and dream, a place that brings joy, but also says to the mind, “Okay, time to work!” The place doesn’t have to be fancy. Under an afghan in the corner of the couch will do, or a sunny spot at the kitchen table. A thrift store desk with a vase of wildflowers on it under a bright window could also be a magical place to write. Once you have chosen your special place, it’s important to go there every day for even a few minutes to create and dream! 3- Include your children. Many moms feel guilty for taking time for their own writing, but including your children in your publishing world is a wonderful way to accomplish your goals and spend time together. A supply of notebooks and sketch pads pulled out only during Mom’s writing time will result in precious keepsakes for years to come, and might even inspire a future writer! Nap time for little ones or an afternoon quiet time for older children are also great times to sneak in some writing! These are only a few tips for encouragement, but the important point is to find what works for you! Writing the next project is an important priority for writers so we can take those stories coming to life in our heads and tell them, and somewhere a reader can pick up that work and find joy in the reading! Much love to you all, and as always, thank you for being with me on this journey! Love, Stac
November 2024